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import click
import numpy as np

from postgkyl.commands.util import vlog, pushChain

#-- Main functions ---------------------------------------------------

@click.option('--tag', '-t', type=click.STRING,
              help='Tag(s) to apply to (comma-separated)')
@click.option('--index', '-i', type=click.STRING,
              help="Dataset indices (e.g., '1', '0,2,5', or '1:6:2')")
@click.option('--focused', '-f', is_flag=True,
              help='Leave unspecified datasets untouched')
def activate(ctx, **kwargs):
    """Select datasets(s) to pass further down the command
    chain. Datasets are indexed starting 0. Multiple datasets can be
    selected using a comma separated list or a range specifier. Unless
    '--focused' is selected, all unselected datasets will be

    '--tag' and '--index' allow to specify tags and indices. The not
    specified, 'activate' applies to all. Both parameters support
    comma-separated values. '--index' also supports slices following
    the Python conventions, e.g., '3:7' or ':-5:2'.

    'info' command (especially with the '-ac' flags) can be helpful
    when activating/deactivating multiple datasets.

    vlog(ctx, 'Starting activate')
    pushChain(ctx, 'activate', **kwargs)
    data = ctx.obj['data']

    if not kwargs['focused']:

    for dat in data.iterator(tag=kwargs['tag'], onlyActive=False, select=kwargs['index']):

    vlog(ctx, 'Finishing activate')

@click.option('--tag', '-t', type=click.STRING,
              help='Tag(s) to apply to (comma-separated)')
@click.option('--index', '-i', type=click.STRING,
              help="Dataset indices (e.g., '1', '0,2,5', or '1:6:2')")
@click.option('--focused', '-f', is_flag=True,
              help='Leave unspecified datasets untouched')
def deactivate(ctx, **kwargs):
    """Select datasets(s) to pass further down the command
    chain. Datasets are indexed starting 0. Multiple datasets can be
    selected using a comma separated list or a range specifier. Unless
    '--focused' is selected, all unselected datasets will be

    '--tag' and '--index' allow to specify tags and indices. The not
    specified, 'deactivate' applies to all. Both parameters support
    comma-separated values. '--index' also supports slices following
    the Python conventions, e.g., '3:7' or ':-5:2'.

    'info' command (especially with the '-ac' flags) can be helpful
    when activating/deactivating multiple datasets.

    vlog(ctx, 'Starting deactivate')
    pushChain(ctx, 'deactivate', **kwargs)
    data = ctx.obj['data']

    if kwargs['focused']:

    for dat in data.iterator(tag=kwargs['tag'], onlyActive=False, select=kwargs['index']):

    vlog(ctx, 'Finishing deactivate')