VlasovMaxwell App: Vlasov-Maxwell equations on a Cartesian grid

The VlasovMaxwell app solves the Vlasov equation on a Cartesian grid.

\[\frac{\partial f_s}{\partial t} + \nabla_{\mathbf{x}}\cdot(\mathbf{v}f_s) + \nabla_{\mathbf{v}}\cdot(\mathbf{a}_sf_s) = \sum_{s'} C[f_s,f_{s'}]\]

where \(f_s\) the particle distribution function, \(\mathbf{a}_s\) is particle acceleration and \(C[f_s,f_{s'}]\) are collisions. This app uses a version of the discontinuous Galerkin (DG) scheme to discretize the phase-space advection, and Strong-Stability preserving Runge-Kutta time-steppers (SSP-RK) to discretize the time derivative. We use a matrix and quadrature free version of the algorithm described in [Juno2018] which should be consulted for details of the numerics the properties of the discrete system.

For neutral particles, the acceleration can be set to zero. For electromagnetic (or electrostatic) problems, the acceleration is due to the Lorentz force:

\[\mathbf{a}_s = \frac{q_s}{m_s}\left(\mathbf{E} + \mathbf{v}\times\mathbf{B}\right)\]

The electromagnetic fields can be either specified, or determined from Maxwell or Poisson equations.

Overall structure of app

By CDIM we mean configuration space dimension and by VDIM we mean velocity space dimension. NDIM = CDIM+VDIM is the phase-space dimension. Note that we must have VDIM>=CDIM.

The overall structure of the app is as follows

local Vlasov = (require "App.PlasmaOnCartGrid").VlasovMaxwell()

vlasovApp = Vlasov.App {
  -- basic parameters

  -- description of each species: names are arbitrary
  elc = Vlasov.Species {
    -- species parameters

  -- fields (optional, can be omitted for neutral particles)
  field = Vlasov.Field {
    -- field parameters
-- run application

Note that if the app’s run method is not called, the simulation will not be run, but the simulation will be initialized and the initial conditions will be written out to file.

Basic parameters

The app takes the following basic parameters. Parameters that have default values can be omitted.

Basic Parameters for VlasovMaxwell()





If set to true, log messages are written to log file



End time of simulation


Initial suggested time-step. Adjusted as simulation progresses.



Number of frames of data to write. Initial conditions are always written. For more fine-grained control over species and field output, see below.


CDIM length table with lower-left configuration space coordinates


CDIM length table with upper-right configuration space coordinates


CDIM length table with number of configuration space cells


Basis functions to use. One of “serendipity” or “maximal-order”


Basis function polynomial order


CFL number to use. This parameter should be avoided and cflFrac used instead.

Determined from cflFrac


Fraction (usually 1.0) to multiply CFL determined time-step.

Determined from timeStepper


One of “rk2” (SSP-RK2), “rk3” (SSP-RK3) or “rk3s4” (SSP-RK3 with 4 stages). For the last, cflFrac is 2.0



Method to use for file output. One of “MPI” or “POSIX”. When “POSIX” is selected, each node writes to its own file in a sub-directory. Depending on your system “MPI_LUSTRE” may be available and, if so, should be preferred.



CDIM length table with number of processors to use in each configuration space direction.

{ }


Set to true to use shared memory.



Periodic directions. Note: X is 1, Y is 2 and Z is 3.

{ }


Type of field solver to use. See details below. This is optional and if not specified no force terms will be evolved, i.e. the particles will be assumed to be neutral.



Species objects. There can be more than one of these. See details below.


  • In general, you should not specify cfl or cflFrac, unless either doing tests or explicitly controlling the time-step. The app will determine the time-step automatically.

  • When useShared=true the decompCuts must specify the number of nodes and not number of processors. That is, the total number of processors will be determined from decompCuts and the number of threads per node.

  • The “rk3s4” time-stepper allows taking twice the time-step as “rk2” and “rk3” at the cost of an additional RK stage. Hence, with this stepper a speed-up of 1.5X can be expected.

Note that the field object must be called “field”. You can also omit the field object completely. In this case, it will be assumed that you are evolving neutral particles and the acceleration will be set to zero (i.e. \(\mathbf{a}_s = 0\) in the Vlasov equation).

Only one field object (if not omitted) is required. At present, the app supports a EM field evolved with Maxwell equations, or a EM field specified as a time-dependent function.

Species parameters

The Vlasov app works with arbitrary number of species. Each species is described using the Vlasov.Species objects. By default every species in the app is evolved. However, species evolution can be turned off by setting the evolve flag to false. Species can be given arbitrary names. As the species names are used to label the output data files, reasonable names should be used.

elc = Vlasov.Species {
  -- species parameters
Parameters for Vlasov.Species





These many distribution function outputs will be written during simulation. If not specified, top-level nFrame parameter will be used

nFrame from top-level


These many diagnostics outputs (moments etc) will be written during simulation. If not specified, top-level nFrame parameter will be used

nFrame from top-level


Species charge (ignored for neutral particles)


Species mass (ignored for neutral particles)


VDIM length table with lower-left velocity space coordinates


VDIM length table with upper-right velocity space coordinates


VDIM length table with number of velocity space cells


VDIM length table with number of processors to use in each velocity space direction.

{ }


Function with signature function(t,xn) that initializes the species distribution function. This function must return a single value, \(f(x,v,t=0)\) at xn, which is a NDIM vector.


Length two table with BCs in X direction. See details on BCs below.

{ }


Length two table with BCs in Y direction. Only needed if CDIM>1

{ }


Length two table with BCs in Z direction. Only needed if CDIM>2

{ }


If set to false the species distribution function is not evolved. In this case, only initial conditions for this species will be written to file.



List of moments (and integrated moments) to compute for diagnostics. See below for list of moments supported.

{ }

The supported diagnostic moments are, “M0”, “M1i”, “M2ij”, “M2” and “M3i” defined by

\[\begin{split}M0 &= \int f \thinspace dv \\ M1i &= \int v_i f \thinspace dv \\ M2ij &= \int v_i v_j f \thinspace dv \\ M2 &= \int v^2 f \thinspace dv \\ M3i &= \int v^2 v_i f \thinspace dv\end{split}\]

In these diagnostics, the index \(i,j\) run over \(1\ldots VDIM\).

Additionally, Gkeyll can calculate the weak moments: bulk velocity “u” and the square of thermal velocity “vtSq”.

The boundary conditions (if not periodic) are specified with the bcx etc. tables. Each table must have exactly two entries, one for BC on the lower edge and one for the upper edge. The supported values are

Boundary conditions for Vlasov.Species




All outgoing particles leave the domain, and none reenter.


A zero-gradient BC, approximating an open domain


Particles are specularly reflected (i.e. billiard ball reflection)

Note that often “reflection” boundary condition is used to specify a symmetry for particles.

For example, for a 1x simulation, to specify that the left boundary is a reflector, while the right an absorber use:

bcx = { Vlasov.Species.bcReflect, Vlasov.Species.bcAbsorb }

Electromagnetic field parameters

The EM field object is used as follows

field = Vlasov.Field {
  -- field parameters
Parameters for EM field objects





These many field outputs will be written during simulation. If not specified, top-level nFrame parameter will be used

nFrame from top-level


Vacuum permittivity (\(\epsilon_0\))


Vacuum permeability (\(\mu_0\))


Factor specifying speed for magnetic field divergence error correction



Factor specifying speed for electric field divergence error correction



Flag to indicate if there is a magnetic field



Function with signature function(t,xn) that initializes the field. This function must return 6 values arranged as \(E_x, E_y, E_z, B_x, B_y, B_z\) at \(t=0\) at xn, which is a CDIM vector.


Length two table with BCs in X direction. See details on BCs below.

{ }


Length two table with BCs in Y direction. Only needed if CDIM>1

{ }


Length two table with BCs in Z direction. Only needed if CDIM>2

{ }


If set to false the field is not evolved. In this case, only initial conditions will be written to file.


Note: When doing an electrostatic problem with no magnetic field, set the hasMagneticField to false. This will choose specialized solvers that are much faster and can lead to significant gain in efficiency.

The boundary conditions (if not periodic) are specified with the bcx etc. tables. Each table must have exactly two entries, one for BC on the lower edge and one for the upper edge. The supported values are

Boundary conditions for Vlasov.Field




A zero-gradient BC, approximating an open domain


Perfect electrical conductor wall

Functional field parameters

To peform “test-particle” simulation one can specify a time-dependent electromagnetic field which does not react to particle currents.

externalField = Vlasov.ExternalField {
  -- field parameters
Parameters for functional field objects





These many field outputs will be written during simulation. If not specified, top-level nFrame parameter will be used

nFrame from top-level


Function with signature function(t, xn) that specifies time-dependent EM field. It should return six values, in order, \(E_x, E_y, E_z, B_x, B_y, B_z\).


If set to false the field is not evolved. In this case, only initial conditions will be written to file.


App output

The app will write distribution function for each species and the EM fields at specified time intervals. Depending on input parameters specified to the species and field block, different number of distribution functions, fields and diagnostics (moments, integrated quantities) will be written.

The output format is ADIOS BP files. Say your input file is called “vlasov.lua” and your species are called “elc” and “ion”. Then, the app will write out the following files:

  • vlasov_elc_N.bp

  • vlasov_ion_N.bp

  • vlasov_field_N.bp

Where N is the frame number (frame 0 is the initial conditions). Note that if a species or the field is not evolved, then only initial conditions will be written.

In addition to the above, optionally diagnostic data may also be written. For example, the moments files are named:

  • vlasov_elc_M0_N.bp

  • vlasov_ion_M0_N.bp

  • vlasov_elc_M1i_N.bp

  • vlasov_ion_M1i_N.bp

etc, depending on the entries in the diagnostics table for each species. In addition, integrated moments for each species are written:

  • vlasov_elc_intMom_N.bp

This file has the time-dependent “M0”, three contributions of kinetic energy and the “M2” (integrated over configuration space) stored in them.

For the field, the electromagnetic energy components \(E_x^2\), \(E_y^2\), \(E_z^2\), \(B_x^2\), \(B_y^2\), and \(B_z^2\) (integrated over configuration space) are stored in the file:

  • vlasov_fieldEnergy.bp

These can be plotted using postgkyl in the usual way.




Juno, J., Hakim, A., TenBarge, J., Shi, E., & Dorland, W.. “Discontinuous Galerkin algorithms for fully kinetic plasmas”, Journal of Computational Physics, 353, 110–147, 2018. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.jcp.2017.10.009


I Pusztai, J M TenBarge, A N Csapó, J Juno, A Hakim, L Yi and T Fülöp “Low Mach-number collisionless electrostatic shocks and associated ion acceleration”. Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 60 035004, 2018. https://doi.org/10.1088/1361-6587/aaa2cc


P. Cagas, A. Hakim, W. Scales, and B. Srinivasan, “Nonlinear saturation of the Weibel instability. Physics of Plasmas”, 24 (11), 112116–8, 2017 http://doi.org/10.1063/1.4994682