Input file basics

Input file structure

Although this has been covered in the quickstart, we remind the reader that most input files have a similar structure regardless of which model (App) is being used.

On the whole, input files consist of four parts: the App dependencies, the Preamble, the App initialization, and the App run. So most input files look like

-- App dependencies.

-- Preamble.


-- App initialization.


-- App run.


We expand on the description of each part in the following sections:

App dependencies This section loads the App one wishes to use for the simulation. At the moment these can be one of VlasovMaxwell, Gyrokinetic or Moments app:
local Plasma = require("App.PlasmaOnCartGrid").VlasovMaxwell() -- Load the Vlasov App.
local Plasma = require("App.PlasmaOnCartGrid").Gyrokinetic()   -- Load the Gyrokinetic App.
local Plasma = require("App.PlasmaOnCartGrid").Moments()       -- Load the Moments App.
The App dependencies is also a place to load other libraries or packages, from gkyl or elsewhere. So for example, if we wanted to load the Constants library from which we can grab universal constants like the speed of light, we could use
local Constants = require "Lib.Constants"   -- Load universal physical Constants.

Preamble In the Preamble one can declare local variables, functions and any object allowed by Lua which may help the user set up the calculation. Often this section is used to define user input parameters, calculate quantities derived from these inputs and create functions which we may later pass to the App. So for example, the simple Landau damping calculation in the first quickstart contained the following Preamble:
permitt  = 1.0   -- Permittivity of free space.
permeab  = 1.0   -- Permeability of free space.
eV       = 1.0   -- Elementary charge, or Joule-eV conversion factor.
elcMass  = 1.0   -- Electron mass.
ionMass  = 1.0   -- Ion mass.

nElc = 1.0    -- Electron number density.
nIon = nElc   -- Ion number density.
Te   = 1.0    -- Electron temperature.
Ti   = Te     -- Ion temperature.

vtElc   = math.sqrt(eV*Te/elcMass)                   -- Electron thermal speed.
vtIon   = math.sqrt(eV*Ti/ionMass)                   -- Ion thermal speed.
wpe     = math.sqrt((eV^2)*nElc/(permitt*elcMass))   -- Plasma frequency.
lambdaD = vtElc/wpe                                  -- Debye length.

-- Amplitude and wavenumber of sinusoidal perturbation.
pertA = 1.0e-3
pertK = .750/lambdaD

-- Maxwellian in (x,vx)-space, given the density (denU), bulk flow
-- velocity (flowU), mass and temperature (temp).
local function maxwellian1D(x, vx, den, flowU, mass, temp)
   local v2   = (vx - flowU)^2
   local vtSq = temp/mass
   return (den/math.sqrt(2*math.pi*vtSq))*math.exp(-v2/(2*vtSq))
The length and complexity of the Preamble depends on the details of the simulation.

App initialization After loading the App, and setting up the App preliminaries in the Preabmle, we must initialize the App itself. This is accomplished with a table like
local plasmaApp = Plasma.App {
   -- Common.

   -- Species.

   -- Fields.

   -- ExternalFields.

   -- Extras.
where the name of name following the = sign must equal that used in the App dependencies in order to load the App (in this case "Plasma"). The contents of this table depend on the specific App being used, although all the Apps have a similar structure. They consist of a Common, a Species, a Fields, a ExternalFields and an Extras section:
  • Common has parameters that are common to all Apps and control some aspects of the simulation, most notably the final simulation time and the frames to ouput.
  • Species contains a declaration of each plasma species to be considered (e.g. electrons, hydrogen ions, neutrals).
  • Fields specifies the electrostatic or electromagnetic fields to be included in the simulation.
  • ExternalFields: Some simulations also require the specification of (possibly time-dependent) external fields. For gyrokinetics, parameters and functions pertaining to the magnetic geometry are specified here.
  • Extras: there are additional features that some simulations may require.

App run Gkyl input files conclude with a call to the run method of the App, in order to get the simulation running once the input file is called by the gkyl executable. This App run command looks like
where the name to the left of the : must match the one used in the App initialization (plasmaApp in this case).

The input file Common

As mentioned in the previous section, the App initialization has a section called the Common, which contains parameters common to all the Apps. Here we describe what these possible entries are and their default value (if a default value is not given it means that the user must provide this parameter).

Parameters in the App’s Common





Final simulation time.


Table with configuration space coordinates of lower boundaries.


Table with configuration space coordinates of upper boundaries.


Table with number of cells along configuration space each direction.


Number of frames of data to write. Initial conditions are always written. For more fine-grained control over species and field output, see below.


Periodic directions. Note: X is 1, Y is 2 and Z is 3.

{ }


Basis functions to use. One of "serendipity", "tensor" or "maximal-order".



Polynomial order of the basis.



Basis functions to use. One of "serendipity", "tensor" or "maximal-order".



For parallel simulations: Table with number of processors to use in each configuration space direction.

{ }


For parallel simulations: Set to true to use MPI shared memory.



Largest time step size allowed.



Initial suggested time-step. Adjusted as simulation progresses.



Fraction (usually 1.0) to multiply CFL determined time-step.

1.0, or 2.0 for timeStepper = "rk3s4".


CFL number to use in determining the time step. This parameter should be avoided and cflFrac used instead.



One of "rk1" (first order Runge-Kutta), "rk2" (SSP-RK2), "rk3" (SSP-RK3) or “rk3s4” (SSP-RK3 with 4 stages) or "fvDimSplit".



Frequency with which to write restart files, given as a decimal fraction. Default is every 5% (=0.05) of the simulation, or as frequently as frames are outputted (whichever is largest).

max(0.05, 1./nFrame)


Frequency with which to compute volume integrated quantities, given as a decimal fraction.

Every time step.


The default (false) is to output every diagnostic to a separate file, but if groupDiagnostic=true diagnostics are written to a single file per frame (per diagnostic app). For example, diagnostics defined on a position-space grid such as velocity moments are written to a _gridDiagnostics_ file.



Method to use for file output. One of "MPI" or "POSIX". When "POSIX" is selected, each node writes to its own file in a sub-directory.



If set to true, log messages are written to log file.



  • In general, you should not specify cfl or cflFrac, unless either doing tests or explicitly controlling the time-step. The app will determine the time-step automatically.

  • The "rk3s4" time-stepper allows taking twice the time-step as "rk2" and "rk3" at the cost of an additional RK stage. Hence, with this stepper a speed-up of 1.5X can be expected.

  • (This feature may be superseeded soon) One can request additional parallelism in velocity space for kinetic simulations by setting useShared = true. This enables MPI shared memory. In this case the decompCuts must specify the number of nodes and not number of processors. That is, the total number of processors will be determined from decompCuts and the number of threads per node.