-- Gkyl ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Plasma beach problem: http://ammar-hakim.org/sj/je/je8/je8-plasmabeach.html
-- 5 moment simulation of a wave propagating in a plasma that attenuates
-- (has a decreasing density) with x.
local Moments   = require("App.PlasmaOnCartGrid").Moments()
local Euler     = require "Eq.Euler"
local Constants = require "Lib.Constants"

-- Global parameters.
local cfl      = 0.4
local gasGamma = 5.0/3.0
local xlower   = 0.0
local xupper   = 1.0
local nx       = 400

-- Compute coordinate of interior last edge.
local dx        = (xupper-xlower)/nx
local xLastEdge = xupper-dx

-- Compute drive frequency.
local dx100      = (xupper-xlower)/100
local deltaT     = dx100/Constants.SPEED_OF_LIGHT
local driveOmega = Constants.PI/10/deltaT

local tEnd    = 5.0e-9
local nFrames = 100

epsilon0 = Constants.EPSILON0
mu0      = Constants.MU0

local function init(x)
   local wpdt   = 25*(1-x)^5   -- Plasma frequency.
   local factor = deltaT^2*Constants.ELEMENTARY_CHARGE^2/(Constants.ELECTRON_MASS*Constants.EPSILON0)
   local ne     = wpdt^2/factor
   local te     = 1.0*Constants.EV2KELVIN   -- Electron temperature [K].
   local pre    = ne*Constants.BOLTZMANN_CONSTANT*te
   return Constants.ELECTRON_MASS*ne, 0, 0, 0, pre/(gasGamma-1),
          Constants.PROTON_MASS*ne, 0, 0, 0, pre/(gasGamma-1), 
          0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0

momentApp = Moments.App {
   logToFile = true,

   tEnd        = tEnd,
   nFrame      = nFrames,
   lower       = {xlower},
   upper       = {xupper},
   cells       = {nx},
   cfl         = cfl,
   timeStepper = "fvDimSplit",
   maximumDt   = 3e-12,

   -- Decomposition for configuration space.
   decompCuts = {1},     -- Cuts in each configuration direction.
   useShared  = false,   -- If to use shared memory.

   periodicDirs = {},   -- Periodic directions.

   -- Electrons.
   elc = Moments.Species {
      charge = -Constants.ELEMENTARY_CHARGE, mass = Constants.ELECTRON_MASS,

      equation    = Euler { gasGamma = gasGamma },
      equationInv = Euler { gasGamma = gasGamma, numericalFlux = "lax" },
      forceInv    = false,
      -- Initial conditions.
      init = function (t, xn)
         local x = xn[1]
         local rho_e, rhovx_e, rhovy_e, rhovz_e, u_e,
               rho_i, rhovx_i, rhovy_i, rhovz_i, u_i,
               Ex, Ey, Ez, Bx, By, Bz = init(x)
         return rho_e, rhovx_e, rhovy_e, rhovz_e, u_e
      evolve = true, -- Evolve species?
      bcx    = { Moments.Species.bcCopy, Moments.Species.bcCopy },

   field = Moments.Field {
      epsilon0 = epsilon0, mu0 = mu0,
      init = function (t, xn)
         local x = xn[1]
         local rho_e, rhovx_e, rhovy_e, rhovz_e, u_e,
               rho_i, rhovx_i, rhovy_i, rhovz_i, u_i,
               Ex, Ey, Ez, Bx, By, Bz = init(x)
         return Ex, Ey, Ez, Bx, By, Bz
      evolve = true,   -- Evolve field?
      bcx    = { Moments.Field.bcCopy, Moments.Field.bcCopy },

   emSource = Moments.CollisionlessEmSource {
      species     = {"elc"},
      timeStepper = "time-centered",

      -- Additional source terms.
      -- Not enabled here; for demo purposes.
      -- Note: Dp are c arrays and use 0-based indices; xc and qbym are
      --       Lua arrays and use 1-based indices.
      hasAuxSourceFunction = true,
      auxSourceFunction = function (self, xc, t, epsilon0, qbym, fDp, emDp, auxSrcDp)
         local x       = xc[1]
         local nFluids = #qbym

	 local J0 = 1.0e-10   -- Amps/m^3.
         -- Auxiliary source for currents.
         for s=0, 0 do
            auxSrcDp[s*3+0] = 0
            auxSrcDp[s*3+1] = 0
            auxSrcDp[s*3+2] = 0

         -- Auxiliary source for E field.
         auxSrcDp[nFluids*3+0] = 0
         auxSrcDp[nFluids*3+1] = 0
         auxSrcDp[nFluids*3+2] = 0

         if (x>xLastEdge) then
            auxSrcDp[nFluids*3+1] = -J0*math.sin(driveOmega*t)/Constants.EPSILON0

-- Run application.