Using gkyl

We now cover the basics of runing gkyl on desktops, clusters, and GPUs. Gkyl can also be used be used to run any Lua scripts, as well as tools provided within gkyl. We also comment on some useful tools provided by ADIOS.

Additional details on the contents of the input files can be found in the Input file file basics page and the pages for the Vlasov, Gyrokinetic and Moment Apps.

The installation placed the gkyl executable in <INSTALL-DIR>/gkylsoft/gkyl/bin/ (where the default <INSTALL-DIR> is home, ~), so one typically needs to call gkyl as <INSTALL-DIR>/gkylsoft/gkyl/bin/gkyl. However most users create an alias so one can simply call gkyl. The documentation assumes such alias unless specified otherwise.

The gkyl command has a built-in help menu. Access it with

gkyl -h

Run simulations

There are three ways of running simulations with gkyl:

  • Serial: using a single core/processes/CPU.

  • Parallel: running a multi-core simulation (using MPI).

  • GPUs: using graphical processing units (GPUs).

The input file has to have some knowledge of which of these modalities you will use. We provide some examples of each of these below.

Serial simulations

Suppose you have the gk-sheath.lua input file for simple 3D gyrokinetic calculation with sheaths at the z-boundaries and a source in the middle (along z). In the Common section of the App declaration (i.e. between plasmaApp = Plasma.App { and electron = Plasma.Species {) there are two variables, decompCuts and parallelizeSpecies. The refer to the number of MPI/NCCL decompositions and whether to parallelize amongst species, respectively.

For serial simulations one can remove these from the input file, or parallelizeSpecies must be set to false, and decompCuts must be a table with as many 1’s as there are configuration space dimensions (three in this case). That’s why the input file contains:

plasmaApp = Plasma.App {
   decompCuts = {1, 1, 1},       -- Parallel decomposition in each position dimension.
   parallelizeSpecies = false,   -- =True to parallelize amongst species.

Then one can run the input file in serial with the simple command:

gkyl gk-sheath.lua

By the time it completes, after 54 seconds on a 2015 MacbookPro, this simulation will produce the following output to screen:

Wed Nov 22 2023 06:21:32.000000000
Gkyl built with ba9804d818a0+
Gkyl built on Nov 22 2023 05:53:12
Initializing Gyrokinetic simulation ...
...Initializing the geometry...
...Finished initializing the geometry
Initialization completed in 0.682254 sec

Starting main loop of Gyrokinetic simulation ...

 Step 0 at time 0. Time step 3.85131e-09. Completed 0%
0123456789 Step    181 at time  1.0034559e-06.  Time step  5.772559e-09.  Completed 10%
0123456789 Step    354 at time  2.0008187e-06.  Time step  5.786316e-09.  Completed 20%
0123456789 Step    526 at time  3.0054393e-06.  Time step  5.887145e-09.  Completed 30%
0123456789 Step    694 at time  4.0039870e-06.  Time step  5.969119e-09.  Completed 40%
0123456789 Step    863 at time  5.0043606e-06.  Time step  5.878178e-09.  Completed 50%
0123456789 Step   1034 at time  6.0043831e-06.  Time step  5.826699e-09.  Completed 60%
0123456789 Step   1206 at time  7.0044600e-06.  Time step  5.808335e-09.  Completed 70%
0123456789 Step   1378 at time  8.0036796e-06.  Time step  5.814198e-09.  Completed 80%
0123456789 Step   1550 at time  9.0054347e-06.  Time step  5.836166e-09.  Completed 90%
0123456789 Step   1720 at time  1.0000000e-05.  Time step  5.867871e-09.  Completed 100%

Total number of time-steps 1721
   Number of forward-Euler calls 5160
   Number of RK stage-2 failures 0
   Number of RK stage-3 failures 0

Initialization took                            0.68225 s   ( 0.000000 s/step)   ( 0.313%)
Time loop took                               217.07308 s   ( 0.126132 s/step)   (99.687%)
  - dydt took                                189.46968 s   ( 0.110093 s/step)   (87.010%)
    * moments:                                 5.94806 s   ( 0.003456 s/step)   ( 2.732%)
    * cross moments:                           0.03912 s   ( 0.000023 s/step)   ( 0.018%)
    * field solver:                            0.63576 s   ( 0.000369 s/step)   ( 0.292%)
    * external field solver:                   0.00000 s   ( 0.000000 s/step)   ( 0.000%)
    * species advance:                       182.63234 s   ( 0.106120 s/step)   (83.870%)
      > collisionless:                        65.12254 s   ( 0.037840 s/step)   (29.906%)
      > collisions:                           17.88435 s   ( 0.010392 s/step)   ( 8.213%)
      > boundary flux:                        91.90787 s   ( 0.053404 s/step)   (42.207%)
      > sources:                               4.30072 s   ( 0.002499 s/step)   ( 1.975%)
      > [Unaccounted]                          3.41686 s   ( 0.001985 s/step)   ( 1.871%)
    * species advanceCross:                    0.04427 s   ( 0.000026 s/step)   ( 0.020%)
    * [Unaccounted]                            0.17012 s   ( 0.000099 s/step)   ( 0.090%)
  - forward Euler took                        10.72175 s   ( 0.006230 s/step)   ( 4.924%)
    * dt calc took                             0.33906 s   ( 0.000197 s/step)   ( 0.156%)
    * combine took                             7.84348 s   ( 0.004558 s/step)   ( 3.602%)
    * BCs took                                 2.51847 s   ( 0.001463 s/step)   ( 1.157%)
    * [Unaccounted]                            0.02074 s   ( 0.000012 s/step)   ( 0.193%)
  - copy took                                  1.26362 s   ( 0.000734 s/step)   ( 0.580%)
  - combine took                               6.46956 s   ( 0.003759 s/step)   ( 2.971%)
  - diagnostic write took                      8.22999 s   ( 0.004782 s/step)   ( 3.779%)
  - restart write took                         0.78727 s   ( 0.000457 s/step)   ( 0.362%)
  - [Unaccounted]                              0.13121 s   ( 0.000076 s/step)   ( 0.060%)
Whole simulation took                        217.75546 s   ( 0.126528 s/step)   (100.000%)
[Unaccounted]                                  0.00012 s   ( 0.000000 s/step)   ( 0.000%)

Wed Nov 22 2023 06:25:10.000000000

These simulation logs contain the following:

Line 1:

start date and time.

Lines 2-3:

gkyl repository revision with which this simulation was run (a + at the end indicate it’s been modified from the version in github), and the date on which the executable was built.

Line 11:

report the initial time step number, time and initial time step size.

Lines 12-21:

report progress every 1% of the simulation (first column). Then, every 10% of the simulation time, give the number of time steps taken so far, simulation time transcurred, and the latest time step size.

Lines 23-54:

give various metrics regarding the time-steps and wall-clock time taken by the simulation, and the time spent on various parts of the calculation.

Line 55:

Date and time when the simulation finished.

Also, by default gkyl produces a log file with the format <input-file-name>_0.log. If you wish to disable this set logToFile = false, in the Common section of the App.

Parallel simulation

For large problems running on a single CPU can lead to impractical runtimes. In those cases one benefits from parallelizing the simulation over many CPUs (or GPUs, see next section). This is accomplished in gkyl by decomposing the (position) space into subdomains and/or decomposing the species into subpopulations, and handing off each subdomain/subpopulation to a separate parallel process (with MPI or NCCL on GPUs).

Suppose one wishes to run the 3D sheath calculation in the previous section on a node with 16 cores, using 4 MPI processes along \(x\) and 4 along \(z\). In this case one must edit the variable decompCuts in the Common of the input file to reflect this decomposition:

plasmaApp = Plasma.App {
   decompCuts = {4, 1, 4},       -- Parallel decomposition in each position dimension.
   parallelizeSpecies = false,   -- =True to parallelize amongst species.

Once decompCuts and the rest of the input file is set appropriately, you can run the simulation with the MPI executable provided by your cluster or MPI implementation (e.g. mpirun, mpiexec, srun, ibrun). For example, with mpirun we would run the simulation as

mpirun -n 16 gkyl gk-sheath.lua

The argument following -n is the total number of MPI processes to launch, in this case \(4\times4=16\). This clearly requires that your computer/node/job has access to at least 16 cores.


The number of decompCuts in any dimension should not exceed the number of cells in that dimension.

Another way to parallelize a simulation with more than one species is to send each species (or groups of) to separate MPI processes. For example, we could instead use 2 MPI processes along \(z\) and 4 along \(z\), and further parallelize species to utilize all 16 cores by setting

plasmaApp = Plasma.App {
   decompCuts = {2, 1, 4},      -- Parallel decomposition in each position dimension.
   parallelizeSpecies = true,   -- =True to parallelize amongst species.

and again launching the executable with

mpirun -n 16 gkyl gk-sheath.lua

In simulations with few (or no) cross-species interactions species parallelization is particularly efficient.

On many computer clusters where one may run parallel simulations one must submit scripts in order to submit a job. This jobscript causes the simulation to be queued so that it runs once resources (i.e. cores, nodes) become available. When resources are finally available the simulation runs in a compute node (instead of the login node).

Jobscripts for some machines are provided in the gkyl/machine folder and below. Note that the installation instructions point to machine scripts for building gkyl on each of these computers. If you need assistance with setting up gkyl in a new cluster, see this or feel free to contact the developers.

Sample submit scripts:

Running on GPUs

Gkyl is also capable of running on graphical processing units (GPUs) with minimal or no modifiation of an input file that you would use to run on CPUs. Our implementation of GPU capabilities uses CUDA and NCCL. Our model is to launch an MPI process for each GPU available. For this reason one must always launch gkyl with mpirun, mpiexec or any equivalent command provided by the system (e.g. srun). Furthermore, one must provide the -g flag following the gkyl executable. For example given the input file gk-sheath.lua previously mentioned, we would simply run it with on a single GPU with

mpirun -np 1 gkyl -g gk-sheath.lua

If multiple GPUs are available, one may use those to decompose position space and/or species using decompCuts and speciesParallelization in the same way it is done for CPUs (as explained above). We just need to ensure there are enough GPUs for the amount of parallelization requested. For example, if we have 4 nodes with 4 GPUs each, we can again use

plasmaApp = Plasma.App {
   decompCuts = {2, 1, 4},      -- Parallel decomposition in each position dimension.
   parallelizeSpecies = true,   -- =True to parallelize amongst species.

to parallelize along \(x\), \(z\) and species on 16 GPUs, and launch the simulation with

mpirun -n 16 gkyl -g gk-sheath.lua
(multi)GPU runs on clusters

Clusters often have specific instructions for running GPU and multi-GPU jobs. Please refer to your cluster’s documentation/admins to determine the correct/best way to run such simulations on that system.

On clusters is often common to submit scripts that queue the job for running on compute nodes (when the resources become available). In fact this is often preferable to ssh-ing into a node if that is even possible. Some sample job scripts for running GPU-enabled jobs are in the gkyl/machines folder and below:


Sometimes a simulations ends prematurely (e.g. your job’s wallclock time allocation ran out), or perhaps it ended successfully but now you wish to run it longer. In these cases one can restart the simulation.

The first simulation prints out a number of restart files, those ending in _restart.bp. In order to begin a second simulation from where the first left off, check the tEnd and nFrame variables in the input file. These are defined as absolute times/number of frames, that is, they specify the final simulation time and number of ouput frames from the beginning of the first simulation, not relative to the previous simulation.

So suppose we run simulation 1 with the following in the App’s Common section:

momentApp = Moments.App {
   tEnd   = 10.0,
   nFrame = 100,

There are two restart scenarios:

  • If the simulation completes successfully, one must increase tEnd and nFrame in order to run the second, restart simulation. Otherwise it will just initialize, realize it does not need to advance any further, and terminate.

  • The first simulation ended prematurely, so tEnd=10.0 was not reached. One can restart the simulation with the same tEnd and nFrame and it will simply try to get there this second time. Or one can increase tEnd and nFrame so the second simulation goes farther than the first one intended to.

Once you’ve made the appropriate edits to the input file the second, restart simulation is run by simply appending the word restart after the input file, like

gkyl inputFile.lua restart

This second, restart simulation will use the _restart.bp files of the first simulation to construct an initial condition. Note that it will look for the restart files in the same directory in which the restart simulation is being run, so typically we run restarts in the same directory as the first simulation.

Using the fromFile option

The fromFile option can be used to read data from a file on initialization. This can be used for initial conditions, sources, and geometry data. The file to be read must have the same prefix as the input file but can otherwise be named as desired, including the extension (it might be useful to use a different extension, such as .read, to avoid accidentally deleting needed files if one does rm *.bp).

Handy perks

Run Lua with gkyl

One can use gkyl to run (almost?) any Lua code. Say for example I find code in the interverse which promises to compute the factors of “Life, the Universe, and Everything” (who wouldn’t want that?). We can take such code, put it in an input file named factors.lua and run it with

gkyl factors.lua

Try it! It’s free!

gkyl Tools

A number of additional tools that users and developers may find useful as part of their (Gkeyll) workflow are shipped as gkyl Tools. One such tool, for example, allows us to compare BP (ADIOS) files.

Suppose you ran the plasma beach simulation with the Moment App, using the momBeach.lua input file which contains a variable

local J0 = 1.0e-12   -- Amps/m^3.

in the collisionless electromagnetic source. Let’s assume you were scanning this variable, so you may choose to create another input file momBeachS.lua which increases J0 to

local J0 = 1.0e-10   -- Amps/m^3.

If after running momBeachS you are not sure if the results changed at all, you can use the comparefiles tool. For example, compare the electromagnetic fields produced at the end of both simulations with the following command:

gkyl comparefiles -a momBeach_field_100.bp -b momBeachS_field_100.bp

In this particular example the tool would then print the following to screen:

Checking attr numCells in momBeach_field_100.bp momBeach_field_100s.bp ...
... comparing numCells
Checking attr lowerBounds in momBeach_field_100.bp momBeach_field_100s.bp ...
... comparing lowerBounds
Checking attr upperBounds in momBeach_field_100.bp momBeach_field_100s.bp ...
... comparing upperBounds
Checking attr basisType in momBeach_field_100.bp momBeach_field_100s.bp ...
... comparing basisType
Checking attr polyOrder in momBeach_field_100.bp momBeach_field_100s.bp ...
... comparing polyOrder
Files are different!

So we know that increasing J0 by a factor of a 100 did change the simulation.

Additional documentation of these tools is found in the gkyl Tools reference.

ADIOS tools

ADIOS has two handy tools that one may use to explore data files produced by a gkyl simulation. These are bpls and bpdump. We give a brief example of each here, and expanded descriptions of their capabilities can be found in the ADIOS documentation, or using the bpls -h and bpdump -h commands.

Note that these tools are complimentary to postgkyl’s info command.


bpls provides a simple view of the structure and contents of a .bp file. For example, in the previous section we discussed a 5-moment calculation of the plasma beach problem. Such simulation produced the file momBeach_field_1.bp. We can explore this file with

bpls momBeach_field_1.bp

which outputs

double   time           scalar
integer  frame          scalar
double   CartGridField  {400, 8}

It tells us that this file contains three variables, the simulation time at which this snapshot was produced, the frame number, and a Cartesian grid field (CartGridField) for 400 cells which contains 8 electromagnetic components (3 for electric field, 3 for magnetic field, and the other 2 are used in gkyl’s algorithms). One may dump one of these variables with the additional -d flag. So if we wish to know the simulation time of this frame, we would use

bpls momBeach_field_1.bp time -d

and see it output

double   time           scalar

Note that for large variables (e.g. CartGridField) dumping can overwhelm the terminal/screen. One can also slice the dataset and only dump part of it, see bpls -h.

There are also a number of attributes (smaller pieces of time-constant data), which one can see with the -a flag:

ws:dir jill$ bpls momBeach_field_1.bp -a
  double   time           scalar
  integer  frame          scalar
  double   CartGridField  {400, 8}
  string   changeset      attr
  string   builddate      attr
  string   type           attr
  string   grid           attr
  integer  numCells       attr
  double   lowerBounds    attr
  double   upperBounds    attr
  string   basisType      attr
  integer  polyOrder      attr
  string   inputfile      attr

and you can peek the value of an attribute with bpls <filename> -a <attribute-name> -d.


The -d flag in the previous dumps the values of a variable onto the screen. There’s a separate command to do just that called bpdump. You can dump a specific variable with

bpdump -d <variable-name> <filename>