
Command Docstrings

Command line

Command help
pgkyl trajectory -h
  Usage: pgkyl traj [OPTIONS]

    Animate a particle trajectory

    --fix-aspect                Enforce the same scaling on both axes.
    --show / --no-show          Turn showing of the plot ON and OFF (default:

    -i, --interval INTEGER      Specify the animation interval.
    --save                      Save figure as PNG.
    --velocity / --no-velocity  Plot velocity vectors.
    --saveas TEXT               Name to save the plot as.
    -e, --elevation FLOAT       Set elevation
    -a, --azimuth FLOAT         Set azimuth
    -n, --numframes INTEGER     Set number of frames for the animation
    --xmin FLOAT                Minimum value of the x-coordinate
    --xmax FLOAT                Maximum value of the x-coordinate
    --ymin FLOAT                Minimum value of the y-coordinate
    --ymax FLOAT                Maximum value of the y-coordinate
    --zmin FLOAT                Minimum value of the z-coordinate
    --zmax FLOAT                Maximum value of the z-coordinate
    -u, --use TEXT              Specify a 'tag' to apply to (default all tags).
    -h, --help                  Show this message and exit.