
Postgkyl can store data into a new ADIOS bp file (default; useful for storing partially processed data) or into a ASCII txt file (useful when one wants to open the data in a program that does not support bp or h5).

Command Docstrings

Command line usage

Command help
pgkyl write --help
  Usage: pgkyl writ [OPTIONS]

    Write active dataset to a file. The output file format can be set  with
    ``--mode``, and is ADIOS BP by default. If data is saved as BP file it can
    be later loaded back into pgkyl to further manipulate or plot it.

    -u, --use TEXT            Specify a 'tag' to apply to (default all tags).
    -f, --filename TEXT       Output file name
    -m, --mode [bp|txt|npy]   Output file mode. One of `bp` (ADIOS BP file;
                              default), `txt` (ASCII text file), or `npy` (NumPy
                              binary file)

    -b, --buffersize INTEGER  Set the buffer size for ADIOS write (default: 1000

    -h, --help                Show this message and exit.

Script mode

The write command internally calls the write() method of the GData class.

import postgkyl as pg

data = pg.data.GData('bgk_neut_0.bp')